Master Planning & Technical Consultancy

Master Planning and Technical Consultancy Capabilities include:


1) Social Services-Demographic-Economic studies to assess current conditions including


  • Population and growth projections converted to future demand for housing, infrastructure, services, land
  • Commercial and growth projections converted to future demand for facilities, infrastructure, services, land
  • Safety and security profiles for the area
  • Infrastructure with recognition for government policies with regards to Renewable Energy etc


2) Preliminary site location assessments including

  • Hazard, Vulnerability Assessment with Mitigation Strategies
  • Environmental Impact Assessments including land, sea, air, fish/flora/fauna, etc
  • Land use designations and policies, accounting for protected areas and hazards
  • Initial high level land, marine, and/or freshwater geodetic/hydrographic surveys as required
  • Preliminary site demand and financial analysis for appropriate market segments
  • Summary Site Suitability analysis and modeling, with alternatives


3)  Socio-Economic Planning and Implementation including

  • Land acquisition planning in conformance with government policies and laws, including
    • Government landholdings
    • Legal landowners, along with any leaseholders or renters
    • Informal settler / indigenous population policies
    • Infrastructure and other support facilities required
    • Land acquisition summary strategies
  • Gender and Development Studies
  • Socio-Economic Development strategies and plans
  • Public consultations including stakeholders such as government, agencies, cooperatives/associations, commercial firms, citizens


4) Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility, and other detailed studies including the above information to ensure the project is bankable

  • Legal and Institutional Frameworks relevant to the project
  • Detailed engineering surveys
  • Comprehensive site hazard and vulnerability assessment with remediation plans
  • Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessments with monitoring, response, and remediation planning
  • Utility and infrastructure demand and response planning
  • Technical evaluations and recommendations for equipment, services, etc
  • Site layout conceptual drawings and analysis, with alternatives
  • Project Cost / Revenue / Financial / Economic Analysis to ensure positive viability vs hurdle rates
  • Project Risk Analysis, including FMEA, Risk Registers, Risk Allocation matrices, Value for Money, etc
  • Project implementation planning including short, medium, and long term options