Master Planning and Technical Consultancy Capabilities include:
1) Social Services-Demographic-Economic studies to assess current conditions including
Population and growth projections converted to future demand for housing, infrastructure, services, land
Commercial and growth projections converted to future demand for facilities, infrastructure, services, land
Safety and security profiles for the area
Infrastructure with recognition for government policies with regards to Renewable Energy etc
2) Preliminary site location assessments including
Hazard, Vulnerability Assessment with Mitigation Strategies
Environmental Impact Assessments including land, sea, air, fish/flora/fauna, etc
Land use designations and policies, accounting for protected areas and hazards
Initial high level land, marine, and/or freshwater geodetic/hydrographic surveys as required
Preliminary site demand and financial analysis for appropriate market segments
Summary Site Suitability analysis and modeling, with alternatives
3) Socio-Economic Planning and Implementation including
Land acquisition planning in conformance with government policies and laws, including
Government landholdings
Legal landowners, along with any leaseholders or renters
Informal settler / indigenous population policies
Infrastructure and other support facilities required
Land acquisition summary strategies
Gender and Development Studies
Socio-Economic Development strategies and plans
Public consultations including stakeholders such as government, agencies, cooperatives/associations, commercial firms, citizens
4) Pre-Feasibility, Feasibility, and other detailed studies including the above information to ensure the project is bankable
Legal and Institutional Frameworks relevant to the project
Detailed engineering surveys
Comprehensive site hazard and vulnerability assessment with remediation plans
Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessments with monitoring, response, and remediation planning
Utility and infrastructure demand and response planning
Technical evaluations and recommendations for equipment, services, etc
Site layout conceptual drawings and analysis, with alternatives
Project Cost / Revenue / Financial / Economic Analysis to ensure positive viability vs hurdle rates
Project Risk Analysis, including FMEA, Risk Registers, Risk Allocation matrices, Value for Money, etc
Project implementation planning including short, medium, and long term options