Site Audit, Hookup and Commissioning
Transerve is the leading specialist for Living Quarters since 1976. We have an experience team of Engineers and Technicians able to provide remote Site Audit, Installation, Hockup and Commissioning Assistance. Our in-house Engineering team provides Design and Detailing Support in compliance to the latest International Codes like SOLAS / IMO / ABS / DNV/ ASHRAE. Our Documentation, QA/QC & HSE team adhere to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. We strive for continuous improvement and support an appreticeship / traning programme for skill development.





Site and Audit Troubleshooting

Onshore / Offshore

Onshore Building Audit & Refurbishment

Engineering Design & Cost Estimation

Compliance to ABS/ DNV/ ASHRAE/ SOLAS/ IMO  Requirements

Offshore Platform Audit & Refurbishment

Procurement / Packing / Tagging / Documentation

Compliance to QA/QC & ISO 9001 QMS

Additional Living Quarters

Work Procedures & Safety Protocols

Compliance to HSE Requirements

Remote Site Assistance

Dismantling, Relocation &
Hook up & Commissioning

Onshore / Offshore

 Offshore FPSO Audit & Refurbishment

Installation, Hookup and

Onshore / Offshore




 TRANSERVE Singapore Office  Engineering Design & Cost Estimation
 Packing & Tagging  Joint Inspection
 Shipping and Logistics  Demolition and Disposal
Construction Team Refurbishment Completed
Onshore & Offshore Work